A couple of months ago, Lori McDaniel Anderson announced on her blog that she was hosting a blog hop that would be focusing on the awareness of a cause that was important to us. Some people also might have used the blog hop as a way to remember someone special in their life or an event that may have been significant in their life. To participate in the hop, we had to purchase at least one bead made by Heather Millican at swoondimples. Heather even went out of her way to have a special stamp commissioned for the hop for those who wanted to use an awareness ribbon color for their bead.
When I heard about this hop, I knew right away that I wanted to participate. Like most people, I have had my share of issues I deal with either personally or in my family. So, while I sat down to decide what I wanted my bead to look like I actually had a bit of a challenge. There were ribbon colors available from me to select, but to be honest I really didn't feel comfortable sitting down to my blog and telling the whole world about my health. I never do that. I am not comfortable opening up the windows and telling just anyone my personal details. But, at the same time I wanted to honor myself, how strong I am and how I face the barriers that get in my way from time to time. So how did I do that? Let me give you a peek.
My bean bead doesn't have a ribbon on it, and it isn't pink for the reasons you might think. Pink is my favorite color and it represents me. I have friends that see pink items and immediately think of me. :) So of course my bead had to be pink!! I wanted the piece of jewelry I designed to be fun and happy. When I showed it to a friend she said it reminded her of balloons at a party and that was the look I was going for! My bracelet is a celebration of my survival. How brave I am and how special too. Marybeth is great and no matter what she faces, she can do so bravely.
I am so happy with the way it came out. I used light rose crystal rondelles, these fun resin beads with spikey crystals in them, frosted glass beads and finally little baby pink seed beads to make my memory wire bracelet.
Please check out the stories of all the other participants on Lori's page because I am having technical difficulties with the list: